It rained lies inside congress during BBM’s SONA

It may be raining hard in the streets but it was raining lies inside the Batasang Pambansa during the State of the Nation Address of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.



Petition: Stop the European QR code

There are plans to extend the European QR code. From June 2022, Member States will be obliged to allow cross-border travel only on the basis of the QR code.

A new social Europe – for diversity, integration and inclusion

The newly enlarged Union embraces a wider range of cultural traditions; greater variations in the quality of social infrastructure; greater extremes of poverty and wealth; a wider range…

We condemn the arrest of peaceful migrants! No to intolerance and narrow thinking!

We, from AHRU (Alliance for the Human Rights of the Undocumented), condemn the raids and arrests of undocumented migrants of different nationalities carried out by the police in…

Advies Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (RMO)

Woensdag 18 mei 2011, 07:38u – Kleurrijk Platform Maak economische voorwaarden daadwerkelijk leidend voor toelating en fundeer migratiepolitiek op de principes van de democratische rechtsstaat. Iedereen die bijdraagt…

Is criminalization of undocumented migrants over, now that the proposed law is off the table?

On April 1, 2014, the much criticized proposal to criminalise irregular stay of undocumented migrants and refugees in the Netherlands was dropped by the government’s ruling coalition. While…

On the creation of a Committee on Household/Domestic Services

Below is a shortened translation of the decision of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment on the creation of a Committee on Household /Domestic Services. This committee…

Politie mag Ghanees die werkt in tuin in Aerdenhout niet zomaar controleren

In het op ambtsbelofte opgemaakte proces-verbaal ter zake artikel 50 van de Vreemdelingenwet (hierna: Vw) 2000 van 22 september 2012 is onder andere het volgende opgenomen: “Op vrijdag…

Hulp aan illegalen niet strafbaar

1 december, begroting – Mensen die illegalen helpen, zijn niet strafbaar. Dit zegt minister Leers bij de verdediging van zijn asielbeleid. Uitgangspunten van dat beleid zijn: sneller, strenger…